One of the MAJOR dealerships of Recumbent bikes/trikes in the Northwest!
Friendly staff who will be delighted to HELP you. No "high-pressure" sales hi-jinx, no B.S., take your time. Free test rides for an extremely reasonable length of time. No "obligation". Come in, relax, have FUN exploring the possibilities. Owner is a retired racers and at 65 she still "stays in the game".
Keywords: Comfort, Aging, balance, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, cerebral palsy, falling, pain, numb, exercise, fitness, bicycle, tricycle, bike, trike, falling, TBI Traumatic brain injury, amputation, bicycle repair service, bike, trike, tricycle, unicycle, Bacchetta, Rans, Easy Racer, Catrike, ICE, Greenspeed, Vortex, VTX, Magnum, Terratrike, Wizwheelz, Optima, HP Velotechnik, Recumbents, Recumbants, recumbent, recumbant, road race, BMX, Mountain Bike, I.C.E., physical disability, physical disabilities